March 1944 - April 1951
branch of the trust "Naftoprovidproekt".
Created in Ukraine to rebuild oil depots
destroyed during World War II, in 1945 began designing new oil depots throughout
the former Soviet Union.
April 1951 - May 1958
branch of the Diprotransnafta Institute.
The main activity is the design of oil
pipelines, oil depots and filling stations in the former USSR. The first norms
and technical conditions for the construction of enterprises for storage of
flammable and combustible liquids have been developed.
May 1958 - March 1965
branch of the Diprotruboprovod Institute.
Carried out the design of main oil pipelines,
gas pipelines, oil depots, filling stations throughout the former Soviet Union,
as well as abroad (Mongolia). The first all-Union norms of technological design
of oil depots have been developed.
March 1965 - January 1973
State Institute "Southern Pipeline".
He designed transport, storage, distribution of
oil and gas throughout the former Soviet Union, as well as in Vietnam, Somalia
and Iraq. The first all-Union building codes for the design of oil and oil
products warehouses have been created, and unique research has been conducted
on hot oil pumping by the Mangyshlak-Volga-Ukraine main oil pipeline.
January 1973 - March 1994
State Institute
It was one of the largest organizations in the
former Soviet Union in the field of integrated design of transport, storage,
transshipment, distribution of oil and petroleum products throughout the
country and abroad (Iraq, Cuba). A number of normative documents have been
developed, including norms for the design of oil and oil products warehouses
and complex norms for vertical steel tanks.
March 1994 - September 1995
JSC "Institute of Oil Transport".
September 1995 - May 2010
OJSC "Institute of Oil Transport".
Carries out
complex design of objects of transport, storage, transshipment, distribution of
oil and oil products, and also separate elements of their infrastructure in the
territory of Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the Republics of Belarus and
Kazakhstan, Georgia, Latvia, renders a wide range of engineering services,
develops normative documents. safety of operation of oil main transport
May 2010 - March 2020
PJSC "Institute of Oil Transport".
The Institute of Oil Transport becomes a
Public Joint Stock Company "PJSC" in accordance with the Law of
Ukraine "On Joint Stock Companies".
March 2020
JSC "Institute of Oil Transport".
On March 18,
2020, the Public Joint Stock Company "Institute of Oil Transport" was
renamed into the Joint
Stock Company "Institute of Oil Transport".".